Convince Me Otherwise

Convince me otherwise.
Muammar Gadaffi was killed today and the world rejoices that another bad man is gone.  I am sitting here in my house, trying my best to avoid foreclosure and I am wondering where the American of my childhood has gone.
 I can answer that question in two words: Ronald Reagan. Behind his aw-shucks, smiling, dimpled self, with his shock of dark hair, was a cold, calculating man whose basic contempt for the United States government has resonated down through the years.  Bushes (daddy and baby Bush) pushed through this contempt until, with only a small reprieve of Clinton, their ultimate Republican goal to ruin any semblance of order, safety and compassion in this nation lies in tatters.
 Reagan, who really only liked Nancy, wanted to starve the beast (government), eliminate regulations that kept us safe, cut taxes and cater to the rich at all times.  He forgot his own humble beginnings as he made sure that no one but those he liked would achieve parity with his fat cat buddies. Ultimately, when historians point to the beginning of the end of the United States, Ronald Reagan’s years in office will prove to be the turning point from turning this great nation filled with compassion, diversity and a government that was built by and for the people, into a oligarchic state that rewards rich people over everyone.
 Reagan’s heirs and their tea party companions hold this nation in contempt.  They are venal, prejudiced, and tunnel-visioned.  They do not understand that America if for ALL the people, not merely their little enclave of white, scared, nasty and ignorant members. They want to return to a time when anyone who is not like them is subject to their whims and too afraid to speak up.
 These Americans hold our president in contempt because he is a man of color.  They worship Ronald Reagan, and were he here today, would betray him as Judas did Jesus.  They tout that they are real Americans, and hold the Constitution sacred, yet have never read the document in question.  They fear the bank that Hamilton established, without understanding that system.  They scream that they want tax cuts, but are willing to allow the credit and security of the United States to founder because they are incapable of listening to reason and learning anything other than their own rhetoric.
 It’s a shame really, that they invoke Reagan, whose fear-mongering against government programs and safety nets for citizens began all this.  Where were these tea party-ists when the Bushes were getting us into wars?  Where were they when the deregulation they adore had the banks selling derivative mortgages to all comers?  Where were they when the sound bites gave way to reality and everyone came up wanting.
 I’ll say it again. Ronald Reagan and his short-term solutions will go down in history as the president who triggered the downfall of America.
So sue me.

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