A Good Twitter Textpad Trick...

I was tweeting this on Twitter, and thought it might be better to just show everyone all at once, so here goes. It's a really handy way to organize your whole follow list in a few hours, and have it ready for tweeting thanks to for FollowFridays, WriterWednesdays or etc. =)

First, you need Textpad. You can download a free version from the website, but consider a donation to keep this software going. You CAN evaluate it as long as you want to, but if it's worthwhile to you, it's only $27.00 I think. And it blows Notepad and Wordpad out of the water anyway. =)

Okay, so once you have Textpad, first consult your Twitter following list, the people following you right now. Notice, you'll have to probably scroll down for a while, but eventually Twitter will list them all. Now, go to your LAST name on the bottom, and start selecting that by highlighting the text. STOP and go up to your "Edit" menu in your browser, and choose "SELECT ALL". Now ALL that text will be selected - all of your followers. =)

Now open Textpad and select "paste" from the "Edit" menu to paste all of that text into the file. You'll notice it's quite a mess, right? We'll fix that now.

Go to "Search" and choose "Replace..." Have the search locate all instances of "Follow " (space included), match case, and replace with one blank space, then do the same for "Unfollow " (space included). Now each of your followers are separated with a blank line.

Now comes the hard part. You want each of these to be on a separate line. This will take a hell of a lot of time if you have a big list, but you can spot the usernames easier this way. Once every username is on a line by itself, it's time to add those pesky "@" symbols. Thank God for macros...

Go to the TOP of your list, place the cursor in front of the first name, then go up and select "macro" and "record". Your cursor becomes a tape icon. (cute, huh?)  Now do this EXACTLY:

Type a "@" symbol, arrow back so that the cursor is back at the front and go DOWN one line. Go back to "macro" and select "stop recording". You'll be prompted to save the macro. Just call it something, like tweeps, for example, and then mark the option "repeat to end of file".

Okay, now you have a saved macro. Go to the FRONT of the SECOND line (You should still be there actually) and select "Macro" and choose your saved macro from the list - and viola! Your username list has the @ symbols all present and accounted for, saving a LOT of typing. =) You can even sort the list alphabetically using "tools" and "sort" as well.

If you like this idea, please share with others. It's not the quickest way to maintain a following list, but it's certainly the best way to do it for free - and a little work on your part. =)

Hey, if it was all easy, we'd all die of boredom, right? =)

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