The Cats Celebrate The Christmas Year that Wasn't then Was...

We both stood there and looked at the glowing lights, the shining ornaments, the strings of pretty plastic pearls lacing across and down the sides. It looked like an amazing tree. We smiled at each other and hugged, close to tears. Grimalkin paused in licking his front paw on the sofa, staring at us quizzically.
"Aww, why are you two so gloomy? It's Christmas..." The burly cat hopped down and sat in front of us. "This is supposed to be a happy, joyous occasion."
"Oh, we're happy, definitely," Paula spoke up, kneeling down on the floor to scratch his ears. "It's just that this is such a turnaround from the year before, it feels like last Christmas was a nightmare that never happened..."
"You two were sad..." Karma, our littlest, joined us by the tree, curling up close to her older "brother-cat". "I remember you sat there at the dining room table and picked out books from the shelves to wrap as gifts...and you didn't have much of a dinner, either. We were all starving that day..."
Paula nodded. "That's right. Remember when we left the three of you alone to drive to Paul's parents' house too?"
"Oh God, the wind!" Mystery crept up on her feline companions, sitting between them. "I can't remember when it was so windy on Christmas, no snow...just this unending howl. We were so scared and jumpy; remember, you couldn't find Karma when you walked into the house."
"Hey! I was just going someplace to escape all the noise, that's all..."
I grinned at Paula. "Remember my parents' place? Not only did they not get you a present, they made us both feel guilty for complaining about the long drive in 60 mph wind gusts..."
"You know, I've STILL not gotten my gift from the "secret Santa" pool yet?"
"Don't remind me. In fact, let's not think about it anymore. That was Christmas of 2009..."
We laughed and looked at each other, imitating Comic-Book Guy from the Simpsons. "Worst. Christmas. EVER."
The cats watched the lighted tree for a few moments, then Mystery spoke up quietly. "Christmas 2010. Hmm. Has a nice ring to it. Like it means something..."
"Maybe it does," I shrugged and sat down on the floor so she could cuddle in my lap. "I think it means a lot already. I mean, look at all these presents...we're actually dressed well, I'm shaved and clean. The house looks nice, we have all these cards and decor all up..."
The cat purrred softy and nuzzled against my chin. "Is this our best Christmas?"
"Well," I chuckled as Paula joined the group, holding Karma and Grimalkin close to her side. "We'll just have to see what next year brings..."

What a difference a year makes. This time last year, about this time, Paula and I chose about ten books, some old candles and a plate - and wrapped them in Christmas paper, just so we had something to place under the tree. I know Christmas isn't about the tree, or the gifts, or the money...but it's REALLY hard to feel Christmas in our hearts - if we don't see it, or hear it, or sense it in our minds. Maybe I'm over-commercializing it. Maybe Christmas does mean a little bit more to me. I'm not a big fan of the Grinch story because I DON'T believe people can be happy on Christmas without food, or presents, or a tree.

Yeah, I know it's supposed to be about this prophet born in Bethlehem who ended up doing a lot of good things for the world.

But if you recall, Baby Jesus got gifts. =)

So I think my logic is sane. I don't know how Paula feels about all this, and my reasoning, but I'm sure she'll agree. You can have good Christmases and bad Christmases. You can have the WORST Christmas of your life one year.

All you have to do is come back stronger next year. We did, and we couldn't be happier.

Merry Christmas to you all. We hope our story enlightens you enough to be thankful for the Christmas you're having now, the Christmases you've had in the past, and the many Christmases still to come...

With love from the writers and the cats... =)

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