The Cats Fondly Remember Elizabeth Edwards...

They must understand what is happening, because all three of them came into the office a moment ago, and curled up together on the carpet, just relaxing, looking resigned and strangely calm.

These little monkeys know quite well what death is all about and what happens next. We'd like to think they understand how wonderful of a person Elizabeth Edwards was. She was always admired for her courage, ever since being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. We all knew she's been handed a death-sentence even then.

Grimalkin and Mystery were still kittens at that time, and Karma wasn't even a gleam in a cat's eye yet. But the four of us were huddled together when Senator Edwards made the tragic announcement and that he was still planning to run with Kerry. She showed courage even then.

When John Edwards was found out for indiscretions later on, we saw Elizabeth take on an entirely different kind of courage: allowing the media and the world to poke into her private life, and the lives of her family, for the sake of a juicy tabloid cover.

Malkie just got up from the carpet just now and has padded over to watch me (Paul) typing this out. I look over at him, and he looks up at me with the adorable dumb expression we all love. I know he senses a little sadness in me right now. I guess I'm sad mostly because Elizabeth said what amounted to a farewell to the world on her Facebook page the day before. It was haunting; like she knew she was going soon.

I'm inwardly glad that cats do not understand death, or mortality. They don't know when their bodies are too frail, and they don't understand why we cry when we lose someone.

Well, I'd better get off of the blog for now, and give these cats some attention and perhaps some dinner. They're all looking at me now - and I'm somehow certain they can sense I'm a little sad...

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