The Cats Watch Us Make Greek Cinnamon Chicken (Kota Kapama)

So we have cats surrounding Paula in the kitchen now, tails held high, whiskers twitching in curiosity. Their eyes gleam; almost like little pinpoints. They are ravenous. And you know why? Paula's making Greek Cinnamon chicken, a classic recipe passed down through the ages. Here what you need:
Preparation time: 90 minutes.

4 to 6 pieces of chicken, thighs or breasts (bones can be left in or out. Keep the bones in for extra flavor)
2 small onions
2 tbsp of butter
1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (or any kind of olive oil; we all love EVOO)
ground cinnamon, salt, and pepper to taste. You can balance this out yourself; we like a lot of cinnamon on ours.
1 stick of cinnamon to add for extra flavor
1/2 bottle of your favorite tomato sauce, or 1 small can of tomato paste
2 cups of chicken broth
pinch of sugar to cut the tomato acidity

Okay, now watch the magic. Season the chicken with salt, pepper and cinnamon. Set aside. Don't let the cats near it, no matter how they beg.  Chop the onions (definitely keep THIS away from the cats; it can hurt them =( ) and brown them while the butter is melting in a large dutch-oven type pan with cover. As soon as the butter browns slightly, add olive oil to keep it from burning. Brown the chicken skin-side down until you get a nice crust. Turn chicken over and add chicken broth and tomato sauce (or paste). Add the cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil, making sure the chicken is covered with the liquid. Once it's boiling, simmer uncovered until the liquid is reduced. Cover and cook for 45 minutes on low.

Serve this over your favorite pasta, and for extra flavor, brown some butter over the pasta. That's it!  You go now! Cook!

Malkie, get away from the stove!

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